November Youth News

The biggest date coming up is the Senior Dinner and Children’s Christmas Program scheduled for December 11. We will be making invitations and favors in November and early December, and families are hard at work creating the menu under the direction of Jim Whitman.
For our next event we will be Christmas caroling on December 18. Looking ahead into 2017 some of the main activities to make note of are: Youth Sunday, March 5, and of course the Easter Breakfast, April 16. This summer we are planning for Road Trip Adventures in July!
Michigan Youth Gathering (Lansing, MI, December 27-30, 2016)
Your $50 deposits are due for the MI Gathering Sunday, November 13, along with your t-shirt size. The theme this year is ‘younity’, with an emphasis on YOU. The focus this year is on faith and YOU. We’ll spend time exploring who we are as individuals, as a community, and as children of God. Participants will lead in new ways, including speaking from stage! Our tradition of a day of service in the greater Lansing community continues in 2016. This year there is also a Young Adult track for participants age 18-25 (post-high school)! Invite your friends! You can find out more about the event, in-kind offering, and other key details by visiting: The total cost will be $125, plus the cost of meals, because the church will subsidize it some. As always, scholarships are available, so don’t let finances keep you for being part of this awesome experience!
2017 Youth Mission Trip: Road Trip Adventures
Mark your calendars for our Road Trip Adventures service project in Chicago, IL, July 15-20. Make positive changes in the city through this well-rounded volunteer service opportunity that touches areas of poverty, human services, advocacy, and the environment. For the adventure they throw in a Segway tour of Chicago that is fun and memorable! Three years ago when we went on Road Trip Adventures to Chicago we cooked and served lunch in a soup kitchen in inner-city Chicago, worked in a community garden, and fed an evening meal on the south side of Chicago to the homeless as part of the Night Ministries.
The cost this summer will be $485 per person, with a $35 discount if we are registered by March 15. This may seem like a lot, but don’t forget that you have a great opportunity to raise some money for the trip by working this year at our concession stand at MSU Women’s Basketball games!
2nd Breakfast (Meets every Sunday at 9:30 in the Youth Room)
In addition to donuts, fellowship, some study and great discussion our service activity for the year at 2nd Breakfast is helping once a month with the Sunday School craft.
Luther League (usually meets the 1st and 3rd Sundays of the month, 11:30-1:30 pm(ish), depending on the activity) Our upcoming schedule is as follows:
11/6 (Sunday) – Luther League
After worship. Making invitations for the Senior Dinner.
(11/13 - Michigan Gathering t-shirt size and $50 deposit due)
11/20 (Sunday) – Luther League
Activity TBA.
12/4 – Luther League
This will be making favors/gifts for the Senior Dinner.
12/11 – Senior Dinner and Program – Special Delivery…
12/18 – Luther League – Caroling
12/27-30 – Michigan Gathering